Monday, March 5, 2012

Brixton has chores! And rewards :)

I am working on a chore/reward system for Brixton. He loves to help so much, but I want him to have goals and rewards for doing some of the things he needs to do, but maybe doesn't like so much too (like cleaning up toys)

The chores we’ve started with are:

  • brush teeth (morning & night)
  • empty silverware from the dishwasher
  • set table
  • pick up toys (before dinner time and before bed time)
  • water plants--inside & outside
  • and a few random ones like laundry sorting / dusting/ swiffering

When he accomplishes a task, he gets a sticker in the alloted square for that day. At the end of the day, we count up his stickers. For every sticker, he gets a dime. 

(We figured even if he does ALL his chores everyday-it would only cost us around .50 a day at most- So, $3.50 a week. Not too bad for a three year old!)

He has three jars to put his money – one for giving, one for saving, and one for spending.

I'm basically going to have him put at least one nickel in each of the jars, but he can put the extra coins in the "Spend" jar.

I think this will be really fun and motivating for him and we can have learning time too counting the nickels out.


Tina B said...

Awesome idea! I am going to copy it once we are moved into the big house. Why is picking up toys such a hard chore to get them to do? sigh....

calihoney said...

I think it will be fun! I'm off to the bank tomorrow to get rolls of nickels~! HA

Carla Horn said...

This is so cute! Such a good idea to start with early :) ... I like how you have a jar for giving too!