Monday, May 30, 2011


, originally uploaded by honeyandskiv.

New dog....we had been "test driving" out Apollo, a 4 year old Boston Terrier for the last week, and he is such a calm, sweet, easy going dog. We miss the energy of a dog in the house and have for quite some time...may not be the perfect time to get one, but we just miss having a dog around. We just already enjoy him so much...even Brix takes his leash and tries to walk him around.

1 comment:

Tina B said...

Apollo is so cute, glad you are enjoying him! Smart to choose an older dog, terriers especially when they are puppies, can be very high energy and do crazy things. When Jake was a puppy and we would leave him home alone, he loved to jump on the bed, take the sheets off and chew holes in the mattress!