Spending Christmas at the beach with friends for one last time.
We had a great time playing at the beach.
We had a great time in Alabama!
Once we got home it was non-stop craziness, so i'm just now getting to look at all the great pics Papa took while we were there!
Love to all :)
And the good news is we found a house we really like in SF.
Brixton is not used to all the rain, and we all realized that we don't have a San Francisco wardrobe.
Getting in the mood for the holidays.
So much has happened recently, I haven't even had a chance to blog about it all yet!
Brix has started to count things. He can do it up to 10-pretty well...not perfect, but pretty close. After 10 is 15 for some reason.
He is so talkative lately! He says "We're Home!" every time we get out of the car. It's very funny.
He also says, "The End!" at the end of every story.
So cute. What Smartie Pants!
Thanks Auntie Em!
He loves it--too much- he actually wants to play with it so much I had to put it outside on the porch!
Our friends are jealous too--a few asked where we got it.
Thanks again!!
Oh my baby! The cutest, smartest, toddler in the universe!
Em asked me a couple weeks back if he knew all his alphabets yet because my last post a few months back said 80% and I never updated. He knew all of them a couple days later! He also has mastered his colors, and numbers to 12--for about two months ago--but that is my fault since our flash cards don't go higher.
Need to make more!
Last week he said 3 words in a row. He has been saying two simple ones together, but last week he said, "I want that" he points out and describes everything now. So much fun. I can't wait until our visit to Alabama in November so you can see him in action!
He loved Tina's pool party. He dives in face first-is the first one in and the last one out. He is a water baby for sure!
We love you Uncle Bruce!
Hope you get to feeling better soon :)
The Skiv's
Rob brought his IPad over and Brixton couldn't have loved it more.
If it wasn't so expensive this would be the coolest Brix toy ever!
Brixton loves playing with bubbles and so does Dixie!