With Jeremiah, Sage, and Noelani
Got us a new big boy car seat! He looks so small in it. He hadn't outgrown the weight limit of the old one, but for sure the height! His feet were always hanging out of it.
okay-this is from the other day-but there were some really cute ones, so this needs to go up!
Everywhere we go, people want to come and say hi to him!
I can't even think of one time I went out to the store and haven't had someone come up and start talking to him. First they comment on his curls, then his big blue eyes, then he smiles at him and they gush over his adorable dimples!
I know I am pretty biased, but I think I've got a little cutie-pie!
We got a little baby pool and he's been having fun splashing around in it :) Gotta love summer!